The relationship between Yellowstar and Ritra dates back to 1990. Recently, Ritra broke new ground in the Netherlands by launching the latest integration with Portbase for exchanging loading information. This frontrunner spirit is ensuring that Ritra remains a market leader. Real-time & accurate information is helping it to further optimise transport, processes and service. It also means that Ritra is killing three birds with one stone. 

Besides its web portal, Ritra has integrated additional software modules with the 4PL logistical forwarding application. These include an archive module, PDF reader, sailing schedule, CRM and an integration module.

Integration with logistics systems

Ritra stands out for the way it aims for ultimate optimisation. Furthermore, in spite of a minimal number of staff, the company has no problem handling enormous peaks in volumes, which mostly also occur during holiday periods. Logistics partners and customers don’t even notice. They receive all their information on time electronically or can use the Ritra web portal to call up any information. This includes information such as track & trace data, and overviews of volumes by PO, by status and by location. They can also call up documents, invoices and consignment notes. For Ritra, transparency and real-time integration are essential in achieving loyalty among staff, customers and logistics partners. 


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