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New options in Star Flow Supply Chain

At Yellowstar, we are constantly innovating and improving our products. We have recently added several new options to Star Flow Supply Chain, giving you even more control over your supply chain.


Sustainable suppy chain collaboration

In this webinar, Yellowstar and BigMile take a closer look at sustainability as a driver for supply chain collaboration, and how to establish it.

News & Events

Sustainability will be the trigger for supply chain collaboration

Jack van der Veen, professor of Supply Chain Management at Nyenrode Business University, is convinced of it: “The government and ultimately consumers will push companies to really start working on their sustainability. Employees also increasingly believe this is important. Creating pollution at the expense of others is no longer acceptable. Sustainability does not stop at the gates of companies and will therefore be a trigger for supply chain collaboration. To be able to truly improve, companies need the chain. Going at it alone won’t work