Over 15 years experience in IT and logistics
Yellowstar Solutions was founded with the goal of making logistical processes predictable, transparent and even beautiful. Yellowstar started with the idea that things can and must be done differently within logistics automation: no longer selling large packages with long implementation time, but apt solutions that are characterized by a high ROI and a short implementation time. Almost all 'Stars' in our dynamic organization have more than 15 years experience in combining IT and logistics.
In Yellowstar, get complete freedom, in view of the fact that our applications can be continuously developed internally. To take advantage of flexible IT solutions and are you able to change at any moment to another IT supplier. FLEXIBILITY is we translated FREEDOM!
Started because things should and could be different
Yellowstar wants to make the supply chain and the underlying processes predictable for all supply chain parties through sharing their knowledge and insights in organizations and for people. This will allow companies and employees to become very efficient, to take right decisons at the right time and to act directly and precisely.
Approach: 'Agile' scrum projectmethod
Scrum is a modern (software) development method successfully in a very effective fashion projects, carry out quickly and with great wing. With Scrum, you are finally released from classical, lengthy projects ever changing, of difficult to end! They only work in manageable and short-cycle projects. Each implementation consists of several short, concise sprints with a pre-agreed functionality. The cycle time of a Sprint is never longer than 2-3 weeks and still a working phase is supplied. By working with sprints always keep 100% visibility into the progress of the project. After acceptance you may decide to continue or to stop short. The method is therefore well controlled and well for you and your wallet.
Never totally dependent on your software supplier
We use the web technology of Oracle (APEX). With this technology we can rapidly, easily and controls your web applications develop and manage, including all associated security levels. Our applications can be installed locally, but also run as SaaS "solution in the cloud. The same web technology we use for developing our internal modules and applications: "eat your own dog food." This enables us to proactively signal improvements and perform. We bring the complete application to your home so that you have the opportunity to manage the functionality as needed / develop. With our open approach to the market you are never totally dependent on your software supplier. Flexibility is translated with freedom!